# Working with the Stack

When working with a low-level machine like the EVM, you don’t have access to higher-level features like variables. Instead, you must manage the state of a single stack in order to pass parameters to the opcodes you want to use. This involves the usual operations you’d expect when working with a stack (pushing, etc).

However, even if these operations are simple and easy to learn, using them to manage the stack can be quite intricate.

# The Stack-Based Machine

The EVM is a stack-based virtual machine. This means that “the stack” is the primary data structure that programs work with when executing EVM opcodes.

As it turns out, most hardware machines choose a stack as the way to read, write, and manage opcode arguments. The reason being, those arguments need to live somewhere, and a stack is a simple and effective data structure to house them.

Consequently, virtual machines typically follow hardware machines in this respect, and the EVM is no different.

# Basic Operations

The main stack operations on the EVM are:

  1. Pushing a value.
  2. Implicitly consuming stack items by running opcodes that require arguments.
  3. Swapping two stack items.
  4. Duplicating a stack item.

# 1. Pushing a Value

All contracts will need to work with a known value at some point. For example, consider the following Solidity contract:

contract Example3_3a {
  uint counter;
  function increment() public {
    counter = counter + 7;

Note how the increment function is increasing the counter state variable by a specific amount: 7. Any time you have a hardcoded value like this – whether a number, boolean, address, string, and so on – this will involve a push opcode.

The compiled output of above example will include this bytecode:


which translates to the following assembly:

PUSH1 0x07

This pushes 0x07 as a 32-byte value onto the stack.

# Stack Item Size

Recall that all stack items are always 32 bytes. Even though 0x07 is only one byte, it becomes a full 32 byte value when pushed onto the stack!

This is due to the EVM's 256-bit word size.

To be explicitly clear: 0x07 becomes 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007 when pushed onto the stack.

# Raw Data

The above 6007 example is a rare case where some bytes (0x07 in this case) do not represent opcodes, but instead represent raw data.

To put it another way, 60 is the opcode for PUSH1. However, even though 07 is the opcode for SMOD, it is not being treated as such here. Instead, because 07 follows 60, 07 is treated as the raw data argument for the 60 opcode.

# Pushing Larger Values

You will often times need to push larger values than one byte.

For example, a full Ethereum address is 20 bytes. To push a known address onto the stack, you need the PUSH20 opcode, which would look something like this:

PUSH20 0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F

Again, this would push a 20 bytes of data as a 32-byte value onto the stack.

The EVM has PUSH opcodes ranging from PUSH1 up to PUSH32. There is no PUSH33 or above, as such values would not be able to fit onto the stack.

# 2. Consuming Stack Items

The stack’s main purpose is to pass arguments to opcodes.

For instance, take the ADD opcode. This opcode takes exactly two arguments. This means that when the ADD opcode runs, it pops two items off the stack to use as its arguments.

When the ADD opcode is done, it pushes back onto the stack its computed result.

Let’s see an example:

PUSH1 0x03
PUSH1 0x04
PUSH1 0x05

What is the final state of the stack after executing this bytecode?


The final state is a stack with two items: 0x03 on bottom, and 0x09 (the result from running ADD) on top.

# Stack Overflows

The max number of items the stack can have is 1024. If you try to push more items than this, then execution will crash due to a stack overflow.

# Stack Underflows

If you attempt to run an opcode that requires more parameters that currently in the stack (e.g. running ADD with a stack size of zero or one), then execution will crash due to a stack underflow.

# 3. Swapping Two Stack Items

Because opcodes always consume the topmost items in the stack, you will sometimes need to swap the top of the stack with other items deeper in the stack in order to operate on the right data.

As an example, let’s say you have a stack with two items:

  • The stack item on top labeled as A (labeled for the sake of explanation)
  • The stack item on bottom labeled as B

And let’s say you want to add seven to each of these items.

Here’s an approach that does not work:

; Does not work!
PUSH1 0x07
PUSH1 0x07

Why doesn’t this approach work?

  • Lines 1 and 2 do as intended; they add 7 to A.
  • However, the next part is where things go wrong.
    • Lines 1 and 2 consumed two items of the stack, but it also pushed back the result – namely, A + 7.
    • Thus, Lines 3 and 4 are not adding 7 to B, but instead adding it to A + 7
    • The end result of the stack is two items – A + 14 on top, and the original B value on bottom.

Based on the answer, you can likely see that a SWAP is needed. Here are two approaches that work:

; Works!
PUSH1 0x07
PUSH1 0x07

; Also works!
PUSH1 0x07
PUSH1 0x07

# Limited SWAP Reach

The SWAP opcodes range from SWAP1 to SWAP16. This means that you cannot reach back farther than 16 stack items.

This is part of the reason you'll run into Solidity's "stack too deep" compile-time error. Because Solidity stores variables onto the stack, this EVM limitation makes it difficult for Solidity to have 16 (or near 16) variables within a function.

In theory, it's possible for Solidity to compile to opcodes that store stack variables into memory when necessary, but that may result in too much complexity, or too much bytecode size to be worth it.

# 4. Duplicating a Stack Item

Recall that when working with a stack-based machine, you don’t have access to variables.

Therefore, when you want to use a value more than once, and avoid redundant computation while doing so, a good option is to duplicate that value using one of the DUP opcodes.

For example, let’s say there are three addresses on the stack (sourced from storage, parameters, etc.):

STACK (grows downwards visually)
- C
- B
- A

Now let’s say you want to check if one of them is the known address 0x11102220333044405550666077708880.

You could write a PUSH20 and an EQ for each address:

PUSH20 0x1110222033304440555066607770888099904444

PUSH20 0x1110222033304440555066607770888099904444

PUSH20 0x1110222033304440555066607770888099904444

Opcode Explanation
  • EQ takes two arguments and produces a 1 if the arguments are equal, or a 0 if they are not.
  • Line 1 pushes a known address onto the stack.
  • Line 2 compares the known address with A
  • Line 3 swaps the 0 or 1 from EQ with B
  • Lines 4 and 5 compare the known address with B
  • Line 6 swaps the 0 or 1 from EQ with C
  • Lines 7 and 8 compare the known address and C
  • Lines 9 and 10 bitwise-OR all three 0s and/or 1s into a single value that represents “do any of A, B, or C equal to the known address?”

This approach works. However, notice how we need 63 bytes of bytecode for the known address pushes! Can we do better?

An alternate approach is to PUSH20 once for the first use, and then DUP to reuse the value:

PUSH20 0x1110222033304440555066607770888099904444
DUP1  ; Dup all upfront
SWAP3 ; Swap with A

SWAP3 ; Swap with B

SWAP3 ; Swap with C


With this new approach, we save 40 bytes in bytecode size by not needing to include a PUSH20 more than once.

Also note the order of DUPs in this approach. If you want to reuse a value, you must DUP it before the first use. If you don’t, then the first use will consume that value before you can DUP it for a second use.

# Limited DUP Reach

The DUP opcodes range from DUP1 to DUP16. This means that you cannot reach back farther than 16 stack items.

# Conclusion

Working with basic stack operations is simple, but intricate. Because we don’t have access to variables when working with the EVM, we must push, dup, swap, and consume items on the stack in order to run the operations we desire.

In a future chapter (⚙️ Internal Function Calls (coming soon)) we will learn how to use the stack to simulate internal function calls.